Nouveaux regards académiques sur Parc-Extension / New academic works on Park Extension

Post date: Jun 01, 2013 10:40:26 PM

Vous trouverez ces oeuvres, ainsi que plusieurs autres, dans la section « Réferences » du site. N'hésitez pas à nous en suggérer d'autres, et bonne lecture ! / These works, along with many others, are listed in the "References" section of this website. Feel free to suggest others to us, and happy reading!

Poirier, Cécile (2006). Parc-Extension : le renouveau d'un quartier d'intégration à Montréal. Diversité urbaine, vol. 6, no 2, pp. 51-68


Les quartiers sont des construits sociaux dans lesquels se côtoient des populations aux identités et aux trajectoires multiples. Pourtant, ils sont souvent qualifiés à partir d’attributs unidimensionnels qui ont peu à voir avec la réalité de l’ensemble des acteurs sociaux (résidants, intervenants communautaires, fonctionnaires, commerçants). Ce texte aborde cette question de la pluralité des perceptions et des pratiques du quartier en examinant l’évolution d’un quartier multiethnique montréalais à partir du concept de « quartier d’intégration ». Initialement à majorité grecque, puis lieu de transit de populations extrêmement diversifiées culturellement, Parc Extension connaît depuis quelques années des changements démographiques, urbanistiques et sociopolitiques qui en font un quartier d’intégration des communautés sud-asiatiques. Ultimement, la compréhension des dynamiques locales doit s’inscrire dans une analyse globale des interactions entre les territoires « pratiqués » par les différents acteurs sociaux.


Neighbourhoods are socially constructed spaces for people who have multiple identities and trajectories. This multiplicity is often neglected when neighbourhoods are described by one-dimension attributes that do not reflect the different realities of the social actors (residents, community workers, officials, shopkeepers). This paper deals with the question of plural perceptions and practices of neighbourhoods by examining the evolution of a multiethnic neighbourhood in Montreal through the prism of the concept of “integration neighbourhood”. First an area dominated by the Greek community and later a transitional space for populations with very diverse cultural backgrounds, Parc Extension is now facing demographic, urbanistic and socio-political changes that are transforming it into an integration neighbourhood for South-Asian groups. In the end, I suggest, the understanding of local dynamics should be framed in a more global analysis of the interactions between the territories as “practiced” by different social actors.

Ross, Alexandra (2013). Housing for New Immigrants in Park Extension, Montreal, Quebec: Current Conditions and Alternative Future Adaptations. A thesis submitted to the Department of Geography and Environment, Mount Allison University, Canada.


This research is focused on the current state of the housing available for new immigrants to Park Extension, a neighbourhood of Montreal. Included is a literature review that examines the nexus of social interactions that enable immigrants to find housing prior to leaving their home country, the current housing tenure of Montreal, as well as the way housing quality and affordability is dictated by the available housing stock. To situate the condition of housing and level of immigration in Park Extension, a background of the state of current housing and immigration in Montreal is also presented. Drawing on a combination of archival data, observations, and government reports and statistics, this paper provides a history of Park Extension which leads into a discussion of its various waves of immigration, the types of immigrants currently moving to the area, the reasons why they are moving to the area, and the kinds of housing they are finding upon arrival. This leads into a detailed analysis of the predicament of governmentassisted housing and the inability of new immigrants to be eligible for this housing. The recommendations outline two ways the government can enact policy to make government-assisted housing more attainable for new immigrants; additionally, a new way to design future government-assisted housing buildings is introduced to address religious concerns while still making the units inclusive, affordable, and complementary to the existing streetscape. This thesis argues strongly that the federal and provincial governments are not currently investing adequately in the public housing stock and that it is imperative that accessibility to this stock be opened up to new immigrants.

Ross, Alexandra (2012). The changing built Judeo-Christian landscape of the historically immigrant Park Extension neighbourhood in Montreal, Quebec. Final paper for the course GENV 4821: Montreal Urban Issues in the Department of Geography and Environment, Mount Allison University, Canada.


Religious buildings have historically been one of, if not the most ornate and revered buildings in a town or city. The Sistine Chapel in the Vatican City and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem are examples of highly regarded places of worship that have been maintained and added onto throughout the centuries. However, times are changing, science has become the new guiding light for many people, and this has lead to decreased congregation numbers and less money going into religious institutions. As a community evolves, either with the changing views on religion, or often in the case of Montreal’s Park Extension, as new people move into the neighbourhood, some religious buildings have found themselves becoming obsolete. Park Extension is a traditionally immigrant neighbourhood, and so has always enjoyed a melting pot of cultures and religions. At some points in history however, there have been more dominant religions in the area, such as Protestants at the turn of the twentieth century, Jews in the 1950s, and Greek Orthodox in the 1970s. Churches, by their very essence are steeped in a centuries long religious and cultural tradition. Over the years they have pervaded every aspect of peoples’ lives, and the societies they were a part of. In Park Extension, a relatively young neighbourhood, churches influenced many parts of social life such as clubs, societies, and school districts. There is little research done in the field of the lives of churches, and how those live can be extended. However, Ley (2008, 2058) has discussed the role of the immigrant church and asked the important question of “how does the immigrant church position itself for continuity when it no longer has a congregation of new immigrants, but of hyphenated Canadians?” This is an important question, as the following research will demonstrate the strife that many religious organisations can find themselves in when their poorer working class immigrants members become middle-class secondgeneration Canadians and move out of the area. Looking closely at six churches identified as having architectural and historical significance, as an overlay to the immigrant heritage of Park Extension, it can be documented that all these sacred spaces have changed proprietorship at least once since their inception. While there may not be an orchestrated effort to maintain these buildings, the continued influx of people into the area has allowed for conservation of these buildings.

Sacco, Muriel (2011). Une politique de la ville « à la française » à Montréal ? International Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue internationale d’études canadiennes, 43, pp. 23-43.


La circulation des idées et l’augmentation des espaces de rencontre entre les acteurs de l’action publique, induites par la mondialisation et la supranationalisation, incitent à entrevoir le spectre d’une homogénéisation des recettes de politique publique malgré la très grande diversité et la complexification des systèmes institutionnels. Selon de nombreux témoignages, les politiques publiques de lutte contre la ségrégation sociospatiale introduites à Montréal en 1999 auraient beaucoup emprunté à la politique de la ville française. Cet article vise à déterminer l’ampleur de cet emprunt et des convergences de ces politiques publiques avec la politique de la ville française à travers l’analyse du processus qui a guidé ce transfert. Loin de souscrire à une uniformisation de l’action publique, l’adoption et la gestion de ces politiques publiques, ainsi que l’élaboration du programme local d’action de Parc-Extension, montrent l’articulation entre le contexte politique et institutionnel montréalais et cet élément exogène dans la fabrique de ces politiques publiques.


Globalization, through the circulation of ideas and increased meeting spaces between individuals, prompts a homogenization of formulas for public action, despite the great diversity of institutional systems. According to numerous accounts, public policies introduced in Montréal in 1999 that were aimed at fighting socio-spatial segregation borrowed largely from the policy of the French city. This article aims to analyze the process that guided this transfer and the convergence of these public policies with the French model of city policy. Far from subscribing to the uniformization of public action, the goal is to grasp the articulation between Montréal’s political and institutional context and the exogenous element in the making of these public policies. Drawing attention to the implementation of these policies in Parc-Extension will help us understand the potential role of local actors in the transfer of foreign public policy models.