« Identité » et « Messages textes pour la Syrie » du 6 déc au 6 jan 2018 / "Identity" and "Texting Syria" from Dec 6 to Jan 6, 2018

Post date: Dec 08, 2018 2:28:42 PM

L’installation interactive Identité de l’artiste Fahmida Urmi Hossain, originaire du Bangladesh, propose un regard sensible sur les mariages précoces et leurs conséquences pour les jeunes filles.

Messages textes pour la Syrie est une installation immersive de Liàm Maloney, à l’intersection de l’art visuel et du photojournalisme. Composée de neuf photographies montées sur boîtes lumineuses, elle nous plonge au cœur de la lutte des réfugiés syriens.

Messages textes pour la Syrie est présentée dans le cadre du Conseil des arts de Montréal en tournée, en collaboration avec la Galerie B-312.

Fahmida Urmi Hossain remercie le Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec de son appui financier.

Du 6 décembre au 6 janvier 2018

From December 6th to January 6th, 2018



Salle de diffusion de Parc-Extension

Park Extension art space

421, rue Saint-Roch

Montréal (QC) H3N 1K2

Info : 514-872-8124

Identity, by Fahmida Urmi Hossain:

"The Identity installation is about the social propaganda of child marriage generates a debilitating impact and consequences of physical and mental impaired. I intend to initiate some more complete experience on physical, emotional, and psychological senses to support this significant juvenile’s progeny.

My experience of migration echoes in my work in poetic and playful ways to create images and environments that are constantly in flux, visible and intangible at the same time. Our multiple ways of seeing, understanding an idea and belief, or place in a ways that transcend stereotypical rubrics."

Texting Syria, by Liàm Maloney:

“In Lebanon, thirty minutes south of the Syrian border, sixteen refugee families live in tents erected within a disused slaughterhouse,” recounts the artist. “At night, they get on their mobile phones and text home, hoping for news from friends and relatives still trapped along the front lines of the civil war. I photographed them in the dark, their faces lit only by the glow of the screens. With the squalor of their surroundings mercifully cloaked in darkness, they could be us, outside a club, checking our messages – but their communiqués are matters of life and death. Texting Syria (2014) is an installation exploring not only the struggles and strengths of Syrian refugees, but also the multi-faceted nature of connectivity in the digital age.”